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Work With Us
​Positions currently advertised:
Trustee/board member
We're looking to expand our small team of board members and we need you!
Do you or someone you know have a few hours a month they can spare to help out on our board?
Previous experience would be welcome, but not necessary.
Along with general trustees, we are also looking to recruit a new treasurer for the organisation.
We're especially looking for people that have experience or have time to support us with funding applications and fundraising, other skills are also welcome.
We're a small team that works to enable the studio to continue to work in the background to allow the studio to continue to provide some of the essential services that Jo and the team carry out.
We want the team to be able to focus on the work they do, such as:
Youth Club
Art Classes
Sunflower Group
Community Development
Community Garden
Support for adults and young people with Additional Support Needs
Affordable and accessible art space for artists
Multi-agency working with other charities in the area
Art and Pottery Classes
After School Club
and more.
We do not get regular funding from The Highland Council, yet we work within the Youth Work National Framework to provide essential services.
Working closely with Youth Highland and as the Youth Hub for Inverness the work we do is essential for the area, and we're keen to hear from you.
We're based in Grant Street in Merkinch, our board meets once a month, with other roles in between.
Great opportunity to develop your skills too!
If you feel you can spare the time, drop the page here a message or email for an initial chat, or check out the links below for an application pack for both trustee and treasurer roles.